Rep. Borowicz's Interview On the Fairness in Women's Sports Act
Apr. 05, 2021 / Embed
Representative Stephanie Borowicz speaks in favor of House Bill 972, protecting Title 9 and women's only sports.
Legislators Introduce Fairness in Women’s Sports Act
Apr. 05, 2021 / Embed
State Rep. Barb Gleim leads a Capitol press conference to introduce the Fairness in Women's Sports Act.
Fairness in Women’s Sports Act
Apr. 05, 2021 / Embed
Representative Stephanie Borowicz speaks in favor of legislation to create the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act in Pennsylvania.
Rep. Borowicz Questions EREC Official
Mar. 15, 2021 / Embed
Representative Stephanie Borowicz questions a testifier during an Environmental Resources and Energy Committee meeting.
Rep. Borowicz's Reaction to Gov. Wolf's Budget Proposal
Feb. 04, 2021 / Embed
Representative Stephanie Borowicz responds to Governor Wolf's budget address that proposes a massive personal income tax on Pennsylvania’s working middle class citizens and small businesses.
Legislative Election Audit Press Conference
Nov. 10, 2020 / Embed
State Representative Dawn Keefer (R-92) leads a press conference calling for investigatory hearings and a legislative-led audit of the 2020 General Election, demanding that election results not be certified until a comprehensive audit is completed.
Rep. Borowicz Comments On HB 1706
Oct. 01, 2020 / Embed
Representative Stephanie Borowicz speaks before the Travel and Tourism Committee. Legislation she proposes HB 1706 will enable OHM, or Off Highway Motorcycle owners to register their bikes with DCNR if they would like the ability to purchase insurance or seek access to public trails.
Borowicz Makes Podium Remarks At 2nd Amendment Rally
Sep. 29, 2020 / Embed
State Rep. Stephanie Borowicz speaks at the 9-29-20 MAKE THE SECOND AMENDMENT GREAT AGAIN rally.
Honoring a WWII Hero
Sep. 02, 2020 / Embed
Representative Stephanie Borowicz promotes HB 2579, legislation designating a portion of PA Route 1010 in Clinton County as the Tech. Corporal Lee R. Phillips Memorial Bridge.
Testimony from Pennsylvania Restaurant and Lodging Association
Jul. 28, 2020 / Embed
John Longstreet. president/CEO of the Pennsylvania Restaurant & ?Lodging Association, gives an overview of the restaurant industries difficulty in attempting to reopen their businesses.